The artists describe how photography's original purpose was to be concrete evidence for truth that cannot be found in people's memories. Memories are easily distorted, but with a photograph you get a true representation of a piece of history. Sontag shares a similar view of what photos are and describes them as "not only an image, interpretation of the real;it is also a trace, something directly stenciled off the real, like a footprint or a death mask." Sontag also believes that "photographic images are pieces of evidence in an ongoing biography or history." According to the artists, that is the idea behind documentaries. Documentaries are a collection of images to display history as if one actually witnessed it. Both Sontag and the artists view photos in a similar way, as something more concrete than a drawing or a memory, but an actual replication of a moment of time and that photos are a powerful and versatile tool with many uses.

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