Thursday, November 1, 2007

Essay 3 Outline

Damali Ayo is an artist who has been creating public art such as Living Flag: Panhandling for Reparations and her book How to Rent-A-Negro.
Beginning Thesis
Damali's art projects are intended to be works that raise awareness of racial issues, however they also created controversy.

Panhandling for Reparations
In Panhandling for Reparations, Damali makes her argument that black people deserve reparations, but does it in a biased manner.

How to Rent-A-Negro
Ayo's book was a highly controversial piece misunderstood by many.

Ethical Questions
Damali Ayo's works have a common theme of raising African American issues to society, but there were ethical flaws in their approaches.

Public Art
A goal of public art is to raise awareness of a certain social issue, but does the controversy around Ayo's projects help or hinder their meaning?

Conclusion and Ending Thesis
Despite the controversies brought about by Ayo's projects, perhaps they were beneficial.

"As public art shifted from large-scale objects, to physically or conceptually site-specific projects, to audience-specific moved from an aesthetic function, to a design function, to a social function." -Miwon Kwon
"The dialogue is now to occur between an artist and a community or audience group that is identified as such in relation to some social problem..." -Miwon Kwon
"I'm collecting reparations for slavery right. And I'm collecting it from white people and I'm handing it out to black people." -Damali Ayo in her performance
"This work is more symbolic and satirical- a biting commentary on the state of the reparations debate." -Damali Ayo, on her blog

My essay ideas are still a work in progress. Changes will probably be made, and my essay may not look like this.

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